Selected facets:
- 0.78 Corner radius (R)
- 0.1 Corner radius (R)
- 0.05 Corner radius (R)
- Material charateristics
- 4.0 Corner radius (R)
- 0.45 Corner radius (R)
- Material charateristics
- 2 Number of cutting edges
- 4 Number of cutting edges
- 0.15 Corner radius (R)
- 0.5 Corner radius (R)
- 0.32 Corner radius (R)
- Material charateristics
- 0.8 Corner radius (R)
- 0.5 Taper angle (φ)
- 1.5 Corner radius (R)
- Material charateristics
- Ball nose milling cutter Milling type
Diameter (d1)
Shank diameter (d2)
Total length (l1)
Flute length (l2)
Neck length (l3)
Shank type
Product Family
Product category
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